Here’s a little trick I’ve been sharing with athletes looking to reduce injury and increase performance.

Before you watch, make sure you know which is your dominant leg. It’s usually the same as your dominant hand, but if you’re not sure, a safe bet is to kick a football (or pretend to); the foot with which you are more comfortable kicking is probably your dominant one. Enjoy!

Try it with Reembody squat mechanics  for even better results in your squat!

2 Responses to “Preparing the Foot, Ankle and Knee to Absorb Shock (VIDEO)”

  • […] Reembody article on over pronation: Preparing the Foot, Ankle and Knee to Absorb Shock […]

  • Nik Gervae

    Nik Gervae

    I always learn cool things from your videos.

    This one brings up something that I’ve been wondering about: What does “dominant” mean with regard to legs, anyhow? With the hand, it’s usually taken to mean the one you manipulate things with. But most people don’t manpulate things much with their feet or legs, aside from kicking, I suppose. My confusion about this really began when I took up snowboarding, and discovered that even though I am right-handed, I ride goofy foot (I was told at the time that this was unusual, but have since found out that’s not so).

    I can balance and do pistol squats much better on my left leg than my right (my right foot is prone to supinating :-). My left leg, from hip to midfoot, is more stable and less mobile than my right. But, my right leg generally feels stronger to me, and when I do lots of aikido, I get little tears on my right big toe, which indicates to me that I push off a lot harder with that foot. So, which is my “dominant” leg?

    This could turn into a whole rant about the unfairness to the other limb of the word “dominant”, which obfuscates many distinctions in what the two sides are better and worse at, but I’ll stop here for now. 🙂


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